No one ever talks about how the Repeating Numbers mean something different for each person. Until now...
One of the best ways to work with repeating numbers is to know what they mean SPECIFICALLY for you, and to have your personal code chart ready to go. Let me show you how.
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Decoding the NumbersThe repeating numbers are a language of the Universe that you can learn!$28
If you're having trouble getting the messages from the repeating numbers and you're frustrated with seeing them and not understanding them, this is for you! Once you take the class, here's what will happen:
You'll learn how to create your personal Numbers Code Chart for easy referencing
You'll discover if there's one or more Spirit Guides speaking to you in this Numbers language of the Universe, and some info about who they are
The Numbers, which are reflecting messages back to you about your personal life, will become supportive and clear signs
You'll develop your clairvoyant ability (seeing repeating numbers is clairvoyance)
Use the Numbers as a consistent and reliable way to confirm or deny actions and allow them to be a part of clear direction in your life